Sunday, July 28, 2013

Top 100 Challenge #72: The Shawshank Redemption

Now here is a movie on the top 100 that most people have probably heard of and already seen.  And if you have, then I probably don't even have to tell you:  it's obvious why this movie belongs on the top 100 list.

First of all, the movie has Morgan Freeman as one of the main characters.  And his character is responsible for most of the movie's narration.  That voice alone is enough to make the movie deserving of top 100 status.

Next, the movie's protagonist is one of my favorite kinds of hero:  one who makes his way purely by his own intelligence and craftiness.  In my personal opinion, these kinds of heroes are usually much more interesting than those who work by brute force or pure luck.

Third, the famous scene with the music in the courtyard.  Again, that by itself could merit a spot on the top 100 list.

Finally and most importantly, this is a movie whose plot centers around the lives of prison inmates.  Logically, they should be villains, and in most movies they would be.  But this movie manages to make us care about them, want the best for them, and sympathize with them!  That takes great writing and great acting, and is also the reason I would give this movie a grade of: A+.

Maybe I'm still too soft of a movie critic; we'll see as we continue to work our way up the list.  However, for now, I believe this movie deserves to rank even higher than it does, and for anyone who hasn't seen it, you definitely should as soon as you get the change.  You won't regret it!

Sarah :)

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