Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Top 100 Challenge: A Summary

Hello Readers.

It has been a very long time since I have posted anything on this blog. If anyone still recalls, my posts back when I was writing all the time were mostly about the Top 100 Movie Challenge.

For those who missed that part, this was something I undertook with my mom. We both love movies, and thought it would be interesting to go through the list of the top 100 movies of all time, according to the American Film Institute. We chose the 10th anniversary list figuring more years = more movies = more representative of what was actually good.

This is the link for our list:

After three years of working through this list, and a total of 210.5 hours of footage, we have finally finished. I have to say, at times it wasn't easy (see also: my review of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?). But the list was also great because it was a mix of everything: from animated features to gritty gangster films. And now that we are finished, I feel a summary, a few warnings, and some closing comments are warranted.

Here is what I learned watching The List:

1. Some films are just overrated. I mean honestly, who cares if it makes you "cultured" to quote Annie Hall? It is a waste of two hours of your life. Other films I would consider overrated include:

  • The Last Picture Show
  • Easy Rider
  • Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. On the other hand, some films, especially the older ones, are highly underrated, such as:
  • Duck Soup (stupid, but funny)
  • The Apartment
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Double Indemnity
  • Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Seriously, why don't we talk about those more often?

3. Watch every Charlie Chaplin film. They are lighthearted and just fun. You won't be disappointed.

4. You really can skip each Martin Scorsese film on this list, and not miss out. 

5. Same goes for Stanley Kubrick. Four movies of his made this list. Each one is skip-able. If you MUST watch one, go for Sparticus. It actually has a story.

6. Alfred Hitchcock. Maybe this is just me, but this man also directed four films on this list, and after watching all four, I will gladly watch anything he has ever directed. Fantastic.

7. I do not love westerns. However, even I loved Shane, and especially High Noon. You can take that as a huge recommendation!

8. There are good war movies: Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, and Bridge on the River Kwai were some of them. There are bad war movies: Apocalypse Now was one of them.

9. Some of the films on this list were long. The longest topped out at 220 minutes. But, these were often the most rewarding. The "epics," such as these:
  • Ben Hur
  • Lawrence of Arabia
  • Gone With the Wind
are stunning in scope and depth and definitely worth the watch. They were some of my favorites.

I realize that isn't a full summary, but to take each movie at a time would be more than one blog post should ever attempt to do. I think it gives a fair idea though, that the list includes really everything: good, bad, ugly. It was enjoyable and also informative, and I come out of it with a whole new appreciation for cinema.

But it is an endeavor, and so remember this;

Whether you, too, try to go through all 100, only the top 50, top 10, or just cherry-pick what looks interesting to you, do it with your family or someone else you like hanging out with. It can be an adventure, but bring a buddy, because as they always say...

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